Tagged: thought experiment

Women are not your fucking thought experiments, dudebros

Hey guys-out-there,*

I’m pondering a post on how all men are rapacious animals who should be locked up for their own good and how a women-exclusive society would clearly usher in a thousand-year utopia.

I understand that some of you are a bit sensitive to these kinds of ideas.

So before you get your boxers in a twist, let me just say I just want to take these ideas out for a walk.  I just want you to challenge your assumptions.  I mean, can’t we just have a rational debate about these things without your emotions getting in the way?


It would be really, really easy for me to undertake an intellectual exercise on the merits of chaining up all men in small cages and instituting a global vaginocracy … because of course I wouldn’t be the person getting threatened with being chained up and enslaved by said vaginocracy.

And of course, I probably wouldn’t cause that much harm, just provide a lot of material for trolls to cry SEE SEE YOU FEMINISTS JUST HATE MEN, because the big problem of trying to construct analogies so fucking PDDs get the point is that they can’t.

Oh, they can imagine the horror of life under the Imperial Vaginal Yoke, sure.  But they don’t already have to live every day of their life watching out for signs that said IVY is about to be implemented.**

Which is why they get so gosh-darned confused when douchebags who say douchey things online – about how consent is so passe and chicks dig jerks and rape is an evolutionary strategy and women are basically all whores but some want to get paid in marriage and babies – get kinda shot down in flames.

I mean, come on, laaaaaaadies, can’t we have a discussion?

No.  We can’t.

Because when we become a society that’s comfortable wondering if women just want to be controlled, women get killed.  When we encourage philosophical musings about the myth of female sexual desire, women get raped.  When we accord respect and space to the theory that doing your hair and learning some mildly abusive pickup lines entitles you to modelesque pussy?  George Sodini.  When we happily let mainstream media preach that women are just so emotional and can only find fulfilment in childbirth?  We get the glass ceiling and the pay gap and financial dependence on abusive wankers.

And you same fuckers who just want to get your intellect-cocks out and wave them in the breeze then turn around and lament that you just don’t understand why women stay in abusive relationships.  And you don’t get why so few rapes are reported.  You’re just so confused all over again.

Like it says at the top of the page, you privileged shits:  women are not thought experiments.  Their lives are not abstract theories.  And their fucking blood is frankly on your fucking hands.

Oh, over the top, you cry?  Well, Kate Harding put it fucking brilliantly:

But please listen, and please trust me on this one: you have probably, at some point in your life, engaged in that kind of talk with a man who really, truly hates women–to the extent of having beaten and/or raped at least one. And you probably didn’t know which one he was.

And that guy? Thought you were on his side.

So please stop fucking encouraging him.


*I’m still purging my vocabulary of “guys” as the gender-neutral plural.  ‘Cause it ain’t.

**My personal “get the fuck out” threshold is when they stop women using credit cards in their own name.  Thanks, Margaret Atwood!